Defeating Procrastination Part 2: How to Be More Productive Using Time-Blocking

Defeating Procrastination Part 2: How to Be More Productive Using Time-Blocking
by Dave Oetken, Center Director

Hello, time-strugglers!

Several months ago, during a strategic planning session, my SBDC team and I identified that none of us had nearly enough time to do all we needed to do. So, each month I test a new productivity technique and share it with my team and with you! So, let’s get into it!

Are you one of those people who have a to-do list longer than a CVS receipt? Do you often find yourself saying, "I'll do it tomorrow," looking at your “to-do list” as you lounge on your sofa in your comfiest yoga pants, a pint of SO Delicious dairy-free cashew milk mint chocolate chip ice cream in hand binge watching Emily in Paris only for tomorrow to become next week or next month?

Well, fear not, my procrastinating friend! I'm here to introduce you to the magical world of time blocking, a technique that's going to turn your productivity level up to 11! And if you really want to take a plunge into it, check out Cal Newport’s book “Deep Work.”  Cal is the boss!

But first things first, you've got to admit that you have a problem. Yes, you're a procrastinator. Say it with me now, "I am a procrastinator." There, doesn't that feel better? I’ve said it too! Now that we've got that out of the way, we can start on our journey to productivity nirvana!

What is Time-Blocking?

Time-blocking is the practice of scheduling specific blocks of time for different tasks or activities throughout your day. Instead of working from a traditional to-do list, you work from your calendar, allocating specific time slots for each task. It's like creating an appointment with yourself to get work done!

And when you use time-blocking, you're committing to focusing on one task at a time, which will improve your productivity. It helps to eliminate multitasking, reduce distractions, and provide a clear focus. It also gives you a realistic view of how much time you have available and how long tasks actually take, helping to prevent overcommitment and burnout!

Now, let’s dive into time blocking step by step:

Step 1: Unleash Your Inner List Maker
Grab a piece of paper, or if you're feeling fancy, open a new document on your computer. Write down every single task you need to accomplish. And I mean EVERY task. Need to walk the dog? Write it down. Need to finally send that email to your boss that's been sitting in your drafts for a week? Write it down. Sleep? Yes, this too! This list is your new best friend.

Step 2: Prioritize, Prioritize, Prioritize
Now, look at your list. Some tasks are more important than others, right? It's time to prioritize. Rank your tasks from most to least important. Remember, 'reorganizing your sock drawer by color' probably shouldn't take precedence over 'meeting project deadline.'

Step 3: Time-Block Like a Boss
It's time to start blocking! Assign specific time slots to each task on your list. Be realistic here. You can't clean your entire house in 15 minutes. The idea is to commit to working on only that task at the scheduled time for the allotted time. So, instead of a to-do list, you work through your calendar!

Step 4: Don’t Forget to Breathe
Remember to allocate time for breaks. Your brain needs rest. It's not a superhero, and even if it was, even superheroes need their downtime.

Step 5: Beware of the Time Suckers
Be cautious of tasks that might take longer than expected. These are your time suckers. They'll lure you in with promises of quick completion, then BAM, three hours have passed.

Step 6: Set Boundaries
Train yourself and others to respect your time-blocks. If you've set aside an hour for focused work, don't let anything or anyone interrupt you. Unless your house is on fire, then you should probably deal with that.

Step 7: Flexibility is Key
Remember, your time-block schedule isn't set in stone. If something urgent comes up, it's okay to adjust your schedule. Just make sure 'urgent' doesn't always mean 'watching the latest episode of my favorite show.'

Step 8: Celebrate Small Victories
Finished a task within its time block? Give yourself a pat on the back! Rewarding yourself for small victories will keep you motivated.

Step 9: Keep Evolving
Finally, remember that time blocking is a skill. You won't be perfect at it right away. That's okay! Keep refining your process until you find what works best for you.

So, there you have it, folks! Time blocking in nine easy-peasy steps. Now go forth, conquer your procrastination monster, and become the productivity wizard you were always meant to be! Remember, time waits for no one, but with a bit of planning, we can certainly make it work for us.

David Oetken is the Center Director of the Louisville Small Business Development Center which provides free SBA and commercial loan packaging, business coaching, and lender introductions. 

Do you have any locally-owned small businesses that you’d like to celebrate? Send me a note at and I’ll share it with everyone! If you’d like to schedule a Zoom meeting with me to help work on your business, find some time for us: Dave's Calendar. I’d love to hear from you!