My Quest for Work Sanity! Part 4!!! Conquering Procrastination!

My Quest for Work Sanity! Part 4!!! Conquering Procrastination!
by Dave Oetken, Center Director

Yes, sanity at work! That’s been my quest since my team, and I had a strategic planning meeting in June.  I had asked everyone the question: “What is the one thing that is holding you and the team back?” and everyone unanimously said there wasn’t enough time in 24 hours to get everything done that we were required to do.  Honestly, I had been feeling that pressure as well, but I didn’t realize the extent that each of the team was struggling. Hence, my quest for sanity!

For the last three blog posts, I’ve done extensive research on the most effective time management and productivity techniques and shared them with the team and you.  Some are very effective, and simple and if I were to make a recommendation, I’ve gained the most from the Ivy Lee method. Hopefully, you have been experimenting with some of these along with me!

While I’ve been working hard to integrate what I’ve learned into my daily routine, and I’ve truly made some great progress, it became clear that I was missing the root cause of most of my sense of lack of time:  procrastination.  Procrastination is a common behavior that many people struggle with, often leading to stress, missed deadlines, and unfulfilled potential. (If you’re not someone who has procrastination issues, congratulations superhero, you can stop reading now!)  However, if you’re honest, I think everyone struggles at some point deciding to binge-watch Netflix instead of getting that proposal done. So, understanding some reasons behind procrastination can shed light on why you may engage in this behavior and help in finding effective ways to overcome it.

There are several underlying factors that contribute to procrastination. One reason is the fear of failure or perfectionism. You may delay starting a task because you feel overwhelmed by the sheer scope of the task, and high standards you set for yourself and worry that they won't meet your own expectations. This fear of failure can paralyze you and prevent you from taking the first step.

Another factor is the lack of motivation or interest in the task at hand. When there is no immediate reward or clear sense of purpose, it becomes easier to put off the task until later. Additionally, you may struggle with poor time management skills or difficulty prioritizing tasks, which can lead to a cycle of procrastination.

To help beat procrastination, here are 10 efficient methods:

  1. Set specific goals: Break down tasks into smaller, manageable steps and set clear objectives for each one. It’s important to set output goals instead of input goals. An output goal is a goal that directly affects the outcome but an input goal doesn’t. A good example of an input goal is to have 2000 subscribers on YouTube while an output goal is to post one YouTube video per week. This creates a sense of direction and makes the task seem less daunting.

  2. Create a structured schedule: Establish a daily or weekly routine that includes dedicated time for each task. Having a structured plan helps eliminate ambiguity and increases accountability. Check out my post on My Ideal Week

  3. Use time-blocking techniques: Allocate specific time blocks for different activities, allowing for focused work periods and regular breaks. This helps manage time effectively and prevents procrastination.

  4. Practice the "two-minute rule": If a task takes less than two minutes to complete, do it immediately. This helps to eliminate small tasks that can accumulate and contribute to procrastination.

  5. Break tasks into smaller chunks: Divide larger tasks into smaller, more manageable parts. By focusing on one subtask at a time, it becomes easier to get started and maintain momentum.

  6. Utilize the Pomodoro Technique: Work for 25 minutes, followed by a short break, and repeat. This method promotes productivity and helps overcome the urge to procrastinate.

  7. Eliminate distractions: Minimize potential distractions like social media notifications or noisy environments. Create a dedicated workspace that fosters focus and concentration.

  8. Practice self-reward: Set up small rewards for completing tasks or reaching milestones. This positive reinforcement encourages productivity and provides motivation to keep going.

  9. Seek accountability: Share your goals and progress with a trusted friend or mentor who can hold you accountable. Regular check-ins and support from others can help combat procrastination.

  10. Cultivate a growth mindset: Embrace the idea that mistakes and setbacks are opportunities for learning and growth. Overcoming perfectionism and focusing on progress rather than perfection can help diminish the fear of failure that often leads to procrastination.

By implementing these strategies, I hope to gradually overcome procrastination and cultivate a more proactive and productive approach to tasks and projects. Remember, breaking the habit of procrastination takes time and effort, but with determination and consistency, it is possible to beat procrastination and achieve greater success.

Do you have any time management / productivity tips that you’d like to share?  Send me a note at and I’ll share with everyone! If you’d like to chat via Zoom, find some time for us: Dave's Calendar.  I’d love to hear from you!

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