My Quest for Sanity! Part 3!!!

My Quest for Work Sanity! Part 3!!!!
by Dave Oetken, Center Director

Just as the title says, this is the third installment in my Sanity Quest!!  Just to recap, after an honestly brutal planning session with my incredible SBDC team, it was clear that each of us were being crushed by the unreasonable workload we were required to maintain.  I resolved to find some tools for the team, test them out for 30 days and share them with the team and you! I first implemented the Ivy Lee Method, then started using a Bullet Journal, and then merged the two together for a more effective tool. But all work and no play make Dave a dull boy, so I needed to find a way to be more intentional about my personal life and how it relates to my workload.

Enter the Ideal Week Calendar!

Effective time management is crucial for achieving productivity, but I really needed to add some work-life balance too. One popular technique that can help you optimize your time allocation is the "Ideal Week" methodology. So, let’s walk through the basics of the Ideal Week, its benefits, how it differs from conventional time management strategies, and provide a step-by-step process to create your own Ideal Week.

What is the "Ideal Week"?

The Ideal Week is a time management technique that involves planning your week in advance, allocating specific time blocks for different activities, and striving to stick to this schedule as closely as possible. It is centered around the concept of designing an idealized version of your week that aligns with your priorities, goals, and values. The aim is to achieve a balanced and productive week by consciously dedicating time to activities that matter most to you.

Benefits of the "Ideal Week" Methodology

·       Enhanced Productivity: By allocating specific time blocks for tasks and activities, the Ideal Week helps optimize your focus and concentration, allowing you to accomplish more in less time.

·       Improved Work-Life Balance: By intentionally dedicating time to personal, family, and recreational activities, the Ideal Week ensures that you maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life.

·       Reduced Procrastination: The Ideal Week provides a clear structure and sets deadlines for tasks, making it easier to avoid procrastination and stay on track.

·       Increased Self-Awareness: Creating an Ideal Week requires deep reflection on your priorities and goals, helping you develop a better understanding of how you want to allocate your time.

·       Flexibility and Adaptability: While the Ideal Week provides a framework, it also allows for flexibility to accommodate unexpected events or changes in priorities. It serves as a guide rather than a rigid schedule.

How does the "Ideal Week" differ from conventional time management strategies?

Unlike conventional time management strategies that focus on managing time in small increments or prioritizing tasks, the Ideal Week takes a holistic approach to time management. It involves designing a comprehensive schedule that considers all aspects of your life and allows for intentional allocation of time across various activities and responsibilities. Rather than simply listing tasks, Ideal Week creates a visual representation of your week, helping you see the bigger picture and make conscious decisions about how you spend your time.

Step-by-Step Process to Create an "Ideal Week"

1.       Set Personal Time First: Start by identifying your top priorities in your personal life, such as family, health, personal hobbies, and self-care. This will form the foundation of your Ideal Week. The idea is to block out personal priorities first and make that time sacred.  For example, if my priority is to have a date night every Tuesday with my fiancé, I would block that time for that purpose. Or, if I have a personal goal to read 20 books this year, I will block time regularly for uninterrupted reading time.  And don’t forget to include exercise and sleep time on your Ideal Week calendar!

2.       Allocate Time Blocks:  After blocking out and planning your personal time, allocate blocks of time for work activities. Start off by blocking out things that you can’t control such as recurring mandatory weekly meetings or other tasks that are recurring and time dependent.  Next, consider similar tasks that you can batch together and complete in one period such as answering emails. Lastly,  block out time for deep work or flex time.

3.       Consider Energy Levels: Take into account your natural energy rhythms and assign tasks that require high focus and creativity during your peak energy periods. Reserve low-energy periods for less demanding tasks or breaks.

4.       Customize for Individual Lifestyle: Tailor your Ideal Week according to your unique lifestyle, habits, and goals. Be realistic about your capabilities and ensure the schedule is achievable and sustainable in the long run.

5.       Experiment and Adjust: Implement your Ideal Week and pay attention to how it fits your life. Adjust as needed to address any challenges, bottlenecks, or unexpected events that may arise.

Tips for a Successful Ideal Week

Time Blocking: Use visual cues like color-coded blocks if you use a paper calendar or a color digital calendar to visually represent different activities and commitments. This will help you easily identify and prioritize tasks.

Add a Calendar: If you are an Outlook or Google calendar user, create a new calendar and build your Ideal Week with a blank week.  Once you’re done, you can just overlay your Ideal Week calendar with your personal or work calendar without affecting your existing commitments.

Set Boundaries: Clearly communicate your Ideal Week schedule with colleagues, family, and friends to establish boundaries and ensure uninterrupted focus during designated work and personal time.

Regular Review: Regularly review and evaluate your Ideal Week to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments. It's okay to refine your schedule based on changing circumstances or new priorities.

Remember that the Ideal Week is a guide, not a rigid mandate. Be flexible and forgiving with yourself if unexpected events disrupt your schedule. Resolve to learn from the experience and adapt to customize your schedule to your individual lifestyle, habits and goals.  Using an Ideal Week calendar can significantly enhance your productivity, work-life balance, and overall well-being.

Do you have any time management / productivity tips that you’d like to share?  Send me a note at and I’ll share it with everyone! If you’d like to chat via Zoom, find some time for us: Dave's Calendar.  I’d love to hear from you!

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